Watch This, Read That: 28 Days Later vs. Zone One

This week’s movie suggestion is 28 Days Later (DVD HORROR TWE), a 2002 film directed by Danny Boyle. It follows Jim, who awakens from a coma in a London hospital to find the hospital and the city deserted. He meets up with a few survivors who explained that a virus has spread amongst the majority of the people on the planet. This virus is causing the infected to become violent and zombie-like, attacking the living and eating their flesh, thereby infecting their victims.


For zombies in literature, I’d recommend Zone One, by Colson Whitehead (FIC WHITEHEAD, C), a 2011 book about the latter days of a zombie apocalypse where “sweepers” patrol New York City, blasting the infected in the attempt to make the city livable again. The main character, “Mark Spitz,” is one such sweeper. The book accompanies him in his daily routine, as well as telling his story in flashbacks, explaining where he got his nickname, what happened to his family, and what brought him to his current situation.

If you’re a fan of the zombie genre, either of these items is a great place to feed your habit.